Risk management, Audit
Carefully managing potential risks to the Company is a key component of our daily work. The Volkswagen Group’s risk management system is oriented toward identifying, assessing, communicating and managing risks at an early stage. This system is reviewed on an ongoing basis and adjusted if and when conditions change. A detailed description of the risk management system and our accounting-related internal control system can be found in the Risk Report.
The Supervisory Board has established an Audit Committee that in particular monitors the financial accounting, the financial accounting process, the effectiveness of the internal control system, the risk management system and the internal audit system, the audit of the financial statements and compliance. Furthermore, the Audit Committee makes a well-founded recommendation for the election of the auditor to the Supervisory Board, obtains a declaration of independence from the auditor, supervises the additional services provided by the auditor and prepares the audit engagement resolution. It also discusses the annual audit planning, the determination of areas of emphasis for the audit, the agreed fee and the auditor’s obligation to provide information.